Does hope come from circumstance or position? 
Does news media dispense it like sanitizer Frequently pumped into shaking hands? Do politicians, elected officials with platforms, Agendas slyly slipped in with massed Hysteria pummeled into frightened minds? 
Does it come from friends, real or social, Who rush to polarized defenses for disconnected Lives? If the bandwagon does, how then can we not? 
Does hope come from rage colored marches Or fisted hands, blinded eyes, or silenced Voices demanding what should already be? 
Is it found in kingly aspirations of power Controlled, of peacefully protested injustices? Or is it like Hughes’ Dreams Deferred, festering Inside or ready to explode across this land? 
Where then is your hope? 
Is hope found in salvation’s future glory, Or waiting eagerly for that professed day, A promised adoption, you a new creation? 
Is it forever linked to faith and love Perfected, completed in  His great day? Can confident hope of heaven’s wonders Rest in what you know, God’s unchanging Gospel? 
Gaze contently beyond time’s hazy face Of desperate immediacy, to unfathomable Hope in Christ’s glory finally revealed! May His overflowing confident hope fill you completely With love, joy, and peace from His Holy Spirit. For that is where my hope comes from.

by Mac Browning

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