Today’s reading from the book of Matthew begins with Jesus’ disciples asking Him, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” (18:1) In His response, Jesus didn’t answer who. He answered with what kind of person. To illustrate His answer, He called a little child to Him and set the child among His disciples. He said to them (and us) that they needed to turn from their sins and be like little children to enter the kingdom of Heaven.  So, in what way are children that Jesus commended examples for us? Jesus is giving us a model for conversion. Jesus points to their helplessness, their trusting dependence, their lack of achievements, accomplishments or resources to offer as an illustration of simple faith, saving faith. Jesus’ answer was that the one who is humble like this little child is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. (18:4)

This is what God is looking for in us. He wants to see in us a humility that causes us to trust in Him, to listen to Him, to lean on Him, to be nourished by Him, and to be grateful to Him. It is a life lived in submission to Him each day. That is the life that honors Him and the life that results in being called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

by Paul Schmidt, Elder

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